DT-625 Temperature Meters

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DT-625 Temperature Meters is digital Humidity & Temperature Meter with Wet Bulb Temperature& Dew Point temperature, which has been designed to combine the functions of Humidity Meter, Temperature Meter, Wet Bulb Temperature and Dew point temperature. It is an ideal Humidity & Temperature Meter with scores of practical applications for laboratorial, industrial, Engineer and professional use.

DT-625 is digital Humidity & Temperature Meter with Wet Bulb Temperature& Dew Point temperature, which has been designed to combine the functions of Humidity Meter, Temperature Meter, Wet Bulb Temperature and Dew point temperature. It is an ideal Humidity & Temperature Meter with scores of practical applications for laboratorial, industrial, Engineer and professional use. 615 is Humidity meter with Air and type K thermocouple thermometer.
Large, easy-to-read backlit LCD with dual display; Fast Response Time: 10s (90% at 25ºC still air)
2% High Accuracy (625); Dew Point Temperature (-30ºC~100ºC/-22ºF~199ºF) (625)
Wet Bulb Temperature ( 0ºC~80ºC/32ºF~176ºF) (625); Resolution 0.1%RH, 0.1ºC/0.1ºF
Max/Min Hold and Data Hold Function (625); Microprocessor-based Design (625)
Dual Display Temperature & Humidity


02165565901 - +989133390223 - +989902782086 - +989034119385

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